What does every foodie love? That’s right cake! But if you have every actually attempted at baking a cake you may have ended up with more of a flat gloopy mess instead of a perfect cake like the ones in the magazine and cook books.
That’s where Plyvine Catering come in, they love food and providing food to others. They know that food is enjoyable and cake is a classic and a must have at any function whether it’s a birthday or a wedding. That’s why they have put together this infographic with 10 tips for cake baking success.
You will be the envy of all your friends when you show them who is the cake baking master and pull out a cake fit for a king (or queen) Here’s a sneaky inside tip from Plyvine Catering, get as much air into the cake as you can. Pump it up more than a bicycle tyre and you will have a fantastically fluffy cake.
Infographic by: plyvinecatering
That’s where Plyvine Catering come in, they love food and providing food to others. They know that food is enjoyable and cake is a classic and a must have at any function whether it’s a birthday or a wedding. That’s why they have put together this infographic with 10 tips for cake baking success.
You will be the envy of all your friends when you show them who is the cake baking master and pull out a cake fit for a king (or queen) Here’s a sneaky inside tip from Plyvine Catering, get as much air into the cake as you can. Pump it up more than a bicycle tyre and you will have a fantastically fluffy cake.