This infographic should help students evaluate any online college or university. With these 6 factors they can easily decide on whether to go to the chosen college or not. According to a study by The Sloan Consortium, there are 6,7 million students that have taken at least one online course. Here you can see the 6 main factors that will help you make a choice on which online college to get enrolled in. Accreditation is one of the key factors when deciding on a college. It is like overall quality assurance stamp for every higher education institution. But you should also pay attention to such indicators as graduation rates, student retention rates, post-graduation employment status, etc. You should always check for university reputation before enrollment. Check reviews on third party websites, get feedback from graduate students, find discussion groups etc. We hope this 6 key factors will come in handy while you're choosing your next online course.
Infographic by: assignmentemperor