Did you know that one in ten cosmetic procedures are performed on men. Latest research from The Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australia reveals that injectable cosmetic procedures, such as Brotox, have increased by 50 percent in Australia. Compared to the USA at a minor 5 percent increase, this is huge market growth!
So what are the reasons behind this significant trend!? After years of working in the harsh Australian sun, it is reasonable that many baby-boomer men would need a solution for rejuvenating their weathered faces. Interestingly though, brotox is also being used for confidence and lifestyle reasons as well. A Merz Aesthetics and Costhetics survey has found that Australian men believe Brotox allows them to have more fun. They also found that many men feel Brotox makes them way more confident in their sex lives (woohoo)! There are also non-cosmetic uses of Brotox; it has been clinically proven to fix chronic migraines and abnormal eyelid spasms.