Surviving the e-learning Apocalypse #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Image: Surviving the e-learning Apocalypse #infographic
We've all been there. Your e-Learning course is going smoothly and then when revision time comes along it feels like all hell breaks loose! But with some keen wits and the helpful tools provided here, you can come out of the trenches unscathed and with a dazzling course to boot!

Infographic: Surviving the e-learning Apocalypse #infographicInfographic by: scholarix

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Surviving the e-learning Apocalypse #infographic

Image: Surviving the e-learning Apocalypse #infographic
We've all been there. Your e-Learning course is going smoothly and then when revision time comes along it feels like all hell breaks loose! But with some keen wits and the helpful tools provided here, you can come out of the trenches unscathed and with a dazzling course to boot!

Infographic: Surviving the e-learning Apocalypse #infographicInfographic by: scholarix

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