How to Escape When you are Trapped in Elevator #infographic - Visualistan -->

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Image: How to Escape When you are Trapped in Elevator #infographic
Today, you will rarely come across news of fatal elevator accident. But, sometimes the elevator become non-functional and the people inside it become trapped. Obviously, such a situation raises panic and the trapped passengers want to get out from the enclosure as soon as possible. However, it is a time when you have to keep your nerves cool and act sensibly. Take a deep breath and relax. If the elevator is dark, switch on the flashlight of your cell phone. Try to call the technician, pressing the call button. If your phone is working, call the emergency number. If nothing works, stay calm and wait until someone comes to rescue you out.

Infographic: How to Escape When you are Trapped in Elevator #infographic
Infographic by: drucegrove

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How to Escape When you are Trapped in Elevator #infographic

Image: How to Escape When you are Trapped in Elevator #infographic
Today, you will rarely come across news of fatal elevator accident. But, sometimes the elevator become non-functional and the people inside it become trapped. Obviously, such a situation raises panic and the trapped passengers want to get out from the enclosure as soon as possible. However, it is a time when you have to keep your nerves cool and act sensibly. Take a deep breath and relax. If the elevator is dark, switch on the flashlight of your cell phone. Try to call the technician, pressing the call button. If your phone is working, call the emergency number. If nothing works, stay calm and wait until someone comes to rescue you out.

Infographic: How to Escape When you are Trapped in Elevator #infographic
Infographic by: drucegrove

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