Investment Opportunities Projections for 2014 [infographic] - Visualistan -->

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image: Investment Opportunities Projections for 2014

Online Trading Academy, is a leading source of investor training has come up a list of what's hot and what's not for investment opportunities for 2014. The trading academy has 34 financial educational centers all over the world and they also have a full online curriculum. The investment opportunity forecast for 2014 are from some of their top traders. Take a look at the infographic below from the Online Trading Academy.

infographic: Investment Opportunities Projections for 2014 infographic by: tradingacademy

Investment Opportunities Projections for 2014 [infographic]

image: Investment Opportunities Projections for 2014

Online Trading Academy, is a leading source of investor training has come up a list of what's hot and what's not for investment opportunities for 2014. The trading academy has 34 financial educational centers all over the world and they also have a full online curriculum. The investment opportunity forecast for 2014 are from some of their top traders. Take a look at the infographic below from the Online Trading Academy.

infographic: Investment Opportunities Projections for 2014 infographic by: tradingacademy

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