Since the day Facebook launched in 2004, the company has only seen a surge in new users, and therefore, new trends keep popping on the platform every now and then. Be it entertainment, education, or business, users have been seen indulged in following different kinds of trends on the largest social media platform.
If we look a couple of years back, in 2014, the business trends were all over the platform. The infographic below shares a report from a survey where 572 admins from different Facebook pages were involved.
According to the graphic, 85 percent of the admins would create promotion or host content whereas, 13 percent of people refused the trend and 2 percent of the admins were indecisive.
Furthermore, creating Facebook apps for Facebook pages was also one of the major trends by 80 percent of the admins. People who refused were 19 percent in total whereas, the undecided population was 1 percent.
To find out more about it, check the infographic below.