Obesity is not a new issue in our lives, learn more about how it is being done, who is most effected by obesity and why.
Source: verticalmeasures.com/Battling-Obesity-In-Amercia
Who Are They?
Low-income working families are people earning less than twice the federal poverty line.
One Program That Helps: The "HFCI"
The goal of the Healthy Food Commerce Investments (HFCI) is to help the channels for "local food" to expand so regional farms can be more reliable and connect rural production with urban demand.
Another Program That Helps: The "FVRx"
Obese low-income families and individuals are enrolled in the fruit and vegetable prescription program and are given prescriptions through monthly visits to and by their primary care provider.
FYI: NYC Is Doing Their Part
New York city has created a program that for every $5 spent using an EBT, they receive a $2 "Health Buck" voucher to be used at participating farmers markets. This increases the value of an EBT by 40%, the purchase of produce, and local market revenue.
Innovative ideas like these are a starting point to battling the obesity epidemic in our country, and your support is needed in promoting healthier eating lifestyles.