Trump's Video Gets Labelled as "Manipulated Media" on Twitter - Visualistan -->

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Trump's Video Gets Labelled as "Manipulated Media" on Twitter

President Donald Trump recently tweeted a video that Twitter labeled as "manipulated media," which just adds to the ongoing rivalry going on between Trump and the social media platform. 

“This tweet has been labeled per our synthetic and manipulated media policy to give people more context,” said Twitter spokeswoman Katie Rosborough.
The video includes two children in a fake CNN broadcast that shows a toddler "running away from a racist baby". The video was never aired on CNN which is why it must have led to the manipulated media label.

The video was made by Carpe Donktum who creates memes and of course, is a Trump supporter. He was also restricted from Twitter last year for editing trump into a Kingsman clip where he was attacking different media companies. However, this is the first time he has received this label, a tag used to highlight deepfakes and deceiving edits.

The label does not do much of damage, is hardly noticeable and people can still view the video. It does show a rise in Twitter's moderation of Trump on the platform after not doing much about his statements earlier because they were newsworthy.

Last month, Twitter labeled a video from Trump as misleading which resulted in a quick reaction from the president as well as an order to repel bias in social media moderation.

Trump's Video Gets Labelled as "Manipulated Media" on Twitter

Trump's Video Gets Labelled as "Manipulated Media" on Twitter

President Donald Trump recently tweeted a video that Twitter labeled as "manipulated media," which just adds to the ongoing rivalry going on between Trump and the social media platform. 

“This tweet has been labeled per our synthetic and manipulated media policy to give people more context,” said Twitter spokeswoman Katie Rosborough.
The video includes two children in a fake CNN broadcast that shows a toddler "running away from a racist baby". The video was never aired on CNN which is why it must have led to the manipulated media label.

The video was made by Carpe Donktum who creates memes and of course, is a Trump supporter. He was also restricted from Twitter last year for editing trump into a Kingsman clip where he was attacking different media companies. However, this is the first time he has received this label, a tag used to highlight deepfakes and deceiving edits.

The label does not do much of damage, is hardly noticeable and people can still view the video. It does show a rise in Twitter's moderation of Trump on the platform after not doing much about his statements earlier because they were newsworthy.

Last month, Twitter labeled a video from Trump as misleading which resulted in a quick reaction from the president as well as an order to repel bias in social media moderation.

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