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Creative and Fun Holiday Office Party Ideas

The office conference room isn’t many people’s idea of a fun venue, and not everyone is eager to spend a night off (and perhaps spring for a babysitter) to hang out with colleagues. This year, consider treating your employees to an afternoon away from the office. Take them to a lively destination, such as a bowling alley, arcade, skating rink, comedy club, mini golf course, or sporting event, that puts festivity at the forefront.
Creative and Fun Holiday Office Party Ideas #infographic

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Creative and Fun Holiday Office Party Ideas #infographic

Creative and Fun Holiday Office Party Ideas

The office conference room isn’t many people’s idea of a fun venue, and not everyone is eager to spend a night off (and perhaps spring for a babysitter) to hang out with colleagues. This year, consider treating your employees to an afternoon away from the office. Take them to a lively destination, such as a bowling alley, arcade, skating rink, comedy club, mini golf course, or sporting event, that puts festivity at the forefront.
Creative and Fun Holiday Office Party Ideas #infographic

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