Which World Countries Are the Most Promiscuous? #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Which World Countries Are the Most Promiscuous?

Where in the world are you most likely to get lucky? The most recent study on global promiscuity was conducted over a decade ago – many cultures have shifted and evolved since then. NapLab has created their own Global Promiscuity Index. Using various sources of reputable data, the Global Promiscuity Index indicates which country’s residents are the most sexually open and which are more conservative or repressed. The index analyzes countries with six sex-related factors to create a comprehensive view of each country’s approach towards promiscuous sex or sex just for the enjoyment of it for both (or all) parties involved. The factors include the mean age when virginity is lost, the average number of sexual partners, the STD rate, the percentage of the population that finds premarital sex between adults morally acceptable, prostitution legality, and premarital sex legality. Australia earned an index score of 360.14, making it the most promiscuous country according to the Global Promiscuity Index.

Which World Countries Are the Most Promiscuous?

Infographic by: naplab

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Which World Countries Are the Most Promiscuous? #Infographic

Which World Countries Are the Most Promiscuous?

Where in the world are you most likely to get lucky? The most recent study on global promiscuity was conducted over a decade ago – many cultures have shifted and evolved since then. NapLab has created their own Global Promiscuity Index. Using various sources of reputable data, the Global Promiscuity Index indicates which country’s residents are the most sexually open and which are more conservative or repressed. The index analyzes countries with six sex-related factors to create a comprehensive view of each country’s approach towards promiscuous sex or sex just for the enjoyment of it for both (or all) parties involved. The factors include the mean age when virginity is lost, the average number of sexual partners, the STD rate, the percentage of the population that finds premarital sex between adults morally acceptable, prostitution legality, and premarital sex legality. Australia earned an index score of 360.14, making it the most promiscuous country according to the Global Promiscuity Index.

Which World Countries Are the Most Promiscuous?

Infographic by: naplab

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