Machine Learning Platform ‘Spell’ Joins Reddit to Help with Algorithm Matching - Visualistan -->

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To improve algorithm matching and spam detection, Reddit is acquiring Spell, a machine learning platform that enables teams to run machine learning experiments at scale.


“With Spell’s technology and expertise, we’ll be able to move faster to integrate ML across our Product, Safety, and Ads teams,” states Reddit.


Spell becoming a part of Reddit means that Reddit would improve its processes of identifying and classifying contextual relevance, organizing conversations, customizing ad placements, and protecting communities. For users, this means that they would start seeing more relevant content on the platform, which would ultimately also boost engagement across Reddit, thus making its performance stand out among other social platforms.


Spell has also expressed its thoughts with regard to the plan and stated that it plans to support Reddit’s mission to bring communities together and empowering people, as a platform that understands content, communities, and users better.


Reddit’s latest analytical reports suggest that the platform is observing a gradual decline in the number of users. With improved contextual matching, Reddit could revive its performance and showcase more of the best content that there is on the platform to users around the world.

Machine Learning Platform ‘Spell’ Joins Reddit to Help with Algorithm Matching

To improve algorithm matching and spam detection, Reddit is acquiring Spell, a machine learning platform that enables teams to run machine learning experiments at scale.


“With Spell’s technology and expertise, we’ll be able to move faster to integrate ML across our Product, Safety, and Ads teams,” states Reddit.


Spell becoming a part of Reddit means that Reddit would improve its processes of identifying and classifying contextual relevance, organizing conversations, customizing ad placements, and protecting communities. For users, this means that they would start seeing more relevant content on the platform, which would ultimately also boost engagement across Reddit, thus making its performance stand out among other social platforms.


Spell has also expressed its thoughts with regard to the plan and stated that it plans to support Reddit’s mission to bring communities together and empowering people, as a platform that understands content, communities, and users better.


Reddit’s latest analytical reports suggest that the platform is observing a gradual decline in the number of users. With improved contextual matching, Reddit could revive its performance and showcase more of the best content that there is on the platform to users around the world.

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