How to Turn a Marketing Faux Pas into a New Customer #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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How to Turn a Marketing Faux Pas into a New Customer
No matter how hard we try, we will never be perfect. This is true for businesses, too, especially in their marketing efforts. No matter how hard they try to create the right message for an audience, mistakes happen. However, those mess-ups don’t have to be fatal. It is possible to turn a marketing faux pas, such as typos, product issues, and poor messaging, into genuine opportunities to connect with your target audience.

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How to Turn a Marketing Faux Pas into a New Customer #Infographic

How to Turn a Marketing Faux Pas into a New Customer
No matter how hard we try, we will never be perfect. This is true for businesses, too, especially in their marketing efforts. No matter how hard they try to create the right message for an audience, mistakes happen. However, those mess-ups don’t have to be fatal. It is possible to turn a marketing faux pas, such as typos, product issues, and poor messaging, into genuine opportunities to connect with your target audience.

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