Microsoft Begins Early Test of a New Teams Premium Feature: the AI-powered Copilot - Visualistan -->

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Microsoft is launching its AI-powered Copilot in Teams as a premium feature, to a limited number of users in an early test. The feature can be accessed during calls and within regular chats. To access the tool, Microsoft 365 subscribers will be required to pay an additional $30 a month.


The way Microsoft 365 Copilot will work on Teams calls is that it’ll generate real-time summaries of conversations, including important information such as dates, names, and key points.


This can be especially helpful for salespersons, who must deal with large flows of calls from customers and clients and are required to keep track of key data. Copilot will also collect relevant questions from clients about a service or product, benefits, pricing, etc. Additionally, it’ll capture customers’ feedback and even suggest next steps. The information can then be used when composing follow-up emails and addressing the questions asked by customers during the calls.


Similarly, in chats too, users can use Copilot to extract key points from conversations in chat threads. This will make it easy to quickly catch up on conversations. The generated summaries can also be used to create lists or tables.


After testing Microsoft 365 Copilot with the early access program participants, the company will initiate a broader roll out of the tool.

Microsoft Begins Early Test of a New Teams Premium Feature: the AI-powered Copilot

Microsoft is launching its AI-powered Copilot in Teams as a premium feature, to a limited number of users in an early test. The feature can be accessed during calls and within regular chats. To access the tool, Microsoft 365 subscribers will be required to pay an additional $30 a month.


The way Microsoft 365 Copilot will work on Teams calls is that it’ll generate real-time summaries of conversations, including important information such as dates, names, and key points.


This can be especially helpful for salespersons, who must deal with large flows of calls from customers and clients and are required to keep track of key data. Copilot will also collect relevant questions from clients about a service or product, benefits, pricing, etc. Additionally, it’ll capture customers’ feedback and even suggest next steps. The information can then be used when composing follow-up emails and addressing the questions asked by customers during the calls.


Similarly, in chats too, users can use Copilot to extract key points from conversations in chat threads. This will make it easy to quickly catch up on conversations. The generated summaries can also be used to create lists or tables.


After testing Microsoft 365 Copilot with the early access program participants, the company will initiate a broader roll out of the tool.

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