overviewed who gambles most in Europe and reported that in absolute terms. Most types of gambling that are represented can now be engaged in remotely via the Internet, interactive television and/or mobile phone. This includes playing roulette or slot machines at an online casino, the buying of lottery tickets using a mobile phone or the betting on a horse race using interactive television.
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Problem gambling can negatively affect significant areas of a person’s life, including their health, employment, finances, and interpersonal relationships. In addition, there are significant co-morbidities with problem gambling, including depression, alcoholism, and obsessive-compulsive behaviours. These co-morbidities may exacerbate, or be exacerbated by, problem gambling.
The most common forms of offline commercial gambling in Europe:
*Card games (e.g., poker, blackjack)
*Sports betting
*Non-sports betting
*Slot machines (e.g., fruit machines, fixed odds betting terminals
*Football pools
*Spread betting
As we said earlier most of these forms of gambling can now be done via other gambling channels including the Internet, interactive television and/or mobile phone.
The highest gambling countries by population are Germany (€8.4 billion), France (€7.6 billion), Great Britain (€11 billion), Italy (€6.2 billion), Spain (€4.9 billion).
The highest gambling countries by GGR are Ireland (€279 per person), Finland (€239), Luxembourg (€194), Britain (€181), Sweden (€176).

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