Unless you've been hiding under a rock over the summer, there's a very good chance that you're more than familiar with the 'milking' protests which have been going on in the UK. Farmers and supporters of our dairy industry want supermarkets to understand the struggle which faces those producing milk which, at the moment, sees many being forced to sell for less than the cost of production. On average, dairy farmers are losing 8p per litre on milk, a figure which may not sound a lot when put like that but which, over a very short space of time, is killing the industry.
We have never seen such a low number of dairy farms in the UK and we continue to see farms close on a weekly basis. Put simply, it's about time the supermarkets understood the pressures being put on dairy farmers and the consequences which their pricing policies are having.
infographic by: shieldagriculture.co.uk
We have never seen such a low number of dairy farms in the UK and we continue to see farms close on a weekly basis. Put simply, it's about time the supermarkets understood the pressures being put on dairy farmers and the consequences which their pricing policies are having.