6 Essential Mobile SEO Elements In 2014 [Infographic] - Visualistan -->

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Image: 6 Essential Mobile SEO Elements In 2014
With 56% of today's American adults having a smartphone, the leading sentiment in SEO predictions for 2014 is the need to focus on mobile optimization. Mobile Search Engine Optimization is a topic that has increased in popularity as mobile phones have become a staple in everyone’s lives. If your 2014 SEO marketing plan does not have mobile search covered, then you have some work to do.

Infographic: 6 Essential Mobile SEO Elements In 2014Infographic by: syntaxxx.com

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6 Essential Mobile SEO Elements In 2014 [Infographic]

Image: 6 Essential Mobile SEO Elements In 2014
With 56% of today's American adults having a smartphone, the leading sentiment in SEO predictions for 2014 is the need to focus on mobile optimization. Mobile Search Engine Optimization is a topic that has increased in popularity as mobile phones have become a staple in everyone’s lives. If your 2014 SEO marketing plan does not have mobile search covered, then you have some work to do.

Infographic: 6 Essential Mobile SEO Elements In 2014Infographic by: syntaxxx.com

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