Throughout movies, TV show, and video game history, we've been obsessed with the way that characters get around. Whether it's in a muscle car, on a dinosaur, or at the cockpit of a spaceship, vehicles are sometimes full of just as much character as the stars of the show. Many of them are prominently featured on promotional materials for the work of fiction that they're a part of, and so they become “iconic” of that work. When you see an X-Wing, for example, your first thought might be of Star Wars. Even if they're relatively obscure in the grand scheme of things, every vehicle on this list of one hundred is sure to trigger the fond memories of its fans. The vehicles are kept separate from their names, so that you can play a guessing game with the pictures, if you like. How many of their names can you guess correctly?
Infographic by: titlemax
Infographic by: titlemax