The Cost Exploring Space Film VS Reality #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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The Cost Exploring Space Film VS Reality
We all know that space exploration, while certainly not the largest expenditure of most countries, doesn’t come cheap. But neither do big-budget science fiction films, either. Special effects, sets, special effects, popular acting talent… special effects… those all come with hefty price tags that make sci-fi and fantasy films costly ventures — although bigger definitely isn’t always better. If you were to compare the price of real space exploration missions (which provide actual information) to the costs of movies about space exploration (which provide “only” entertainment) what would you expect to find? This infographic does just that:

The Cost Exploring Space Film VS Reality
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The Cost Exploring Space Film VS Reality #Infographic

The Cost Exploring Space Film VS Reality
We all know that space exploration, while certainly not the largest expenditure of most countries, doesn’t come cheap. But neither do big-budget science fiction films, either. Special effects, sets, special effects, popular acting talent… special effects… those all come with hefty price tags that make sci-fi and fantasy films costly ventures — although bigger definitely isn’t always better. If you were to compare the price of real space exploration missions (which provide actual information) to the costs of movies about space exploration (which provide “only” entertainment) what would you expect to find? This infographic does just that:

The Cost Exploring Space Film VS Reality
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